
Sharing an unprecedented taiko sound with the world

About Masaki新たな和太鼓の音を世界と共有

Masaki Otawa | Japanese Taiko Player

大多和正樹 | 和太鼓奏者

Masaki Otawa 大多和正樹 (Japanese taiko player - 和太鼓奏者)

Well-known for his wadaiko technique and approach to music


Masaki Otawa is a Japanese taiko player and percussionist who has skilfully mastered the taiko technique at a virtuoso level to deliver unprecedented taiko performances around the world. Having created a technique that embodies his love for music while highlighting the beauty of the taiko sound, Masaki is able to apply his unique approach to wadaiko in Japanese folk, Jazz, Latin, African, Pop and even Classical music. Furthermore, his vast range of music style has allowed him to work on interesting collaborations with different types of artists in dance, theatre, visual art, and even Japanese flower arrangement. 

大多和正樹は、和太鼓の技術を高いレベルで習得した打楽器奏者であり、世界でも類を見ない和太鼓演奏を披露しています。 自身の感情と音をリンクさせるテクニックを用いて、日本のフォーク、ジャズ、ラテン、アフリカン、ポップス、クラシックなど、幅広い音楽スタイルを持ち、ダンス、演劇、ビジュアルアート、生け花など、様々なアーティストとのコラボレーションを行っています。

Masaki Otawa’s solo at Tataktribe – September 2020 @Studio Coast




Masaki Otawa’s “Neoteny” on Spotify

Contact Masaki | お問い合わせ

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